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Herbal Nômade 2.0: 


Herbal Nômade Emerging

In this project, multidisciplinary, enriching workshops are developed and offered to culture makers who have the need to explore and express their relationship with nature. A collaboration with Takaiúna and Ator Nômade, who are coming to the Netherlands from Brazil this year. Have a look at the workshops on offer and feel welcome to participate!

Personal Mythologies & The Land


3 encounters at Ruigoord:

2 workshops:

Saturday Nov. 16th 16:00-20:30 and Wednesday Nov. 20th 18:30-21:00 


and 1 public, communal journey: 'cortejo'

Saturday November 23rd 16.00-17.30
During 'The Spirit of Amsterdam' event at Ruigoord.


Participation free, max. 12 pers.
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> Personal Mythologies & The Land

diversity in associations - universal connection?

During two workshops we explore the role inherited, traditional stories can play in our life and how they determine how we relate to nature.

We reflect on personal associations with elements from nature and play with expressing ourselves in relation to this, inspired by various exercises deriving from improvisation theatre and movement practices. Whilst carrying these mythologies in us we connect at the same time to the natural beings present in the place where we are right now: Ruigoord.

 Inspired by the book 'Imaginary Beings' from Jorge Louis Borges we aim to gain some awareness over the beings that emerge in the subconsciousness of peoples across the world. They are natural beings, just like us. Are the beings we create in tales and legends projections, part of our identity, symbiotic life forms? Universal themes and characteristics appear in such legends, yet there is also a richness in the diversity of personal associations.

In these two encounters together we prepare moments in which we are in connection with the land of Ruigoord, the place where we are now. How to let ourself perform inclusive of our mythologies and diverse backgrounds? Giving space to each beings' talents and to all beings to perform themselves.​ So whether you'd like to get some tools to express in spoken word, poetry, dance, physical or object theatre, with masks or recitation, subtle or theatrical, there is space. 


> The walk:

participation event during 'Spirit of Amsterdam'

During the first two encounters of this workshops series we have been playfully exploring the mythologies, associations, relationship with the place and physical expression and interaction with both imaginary and nature beings. This third encounter is comparable, but a public one during the 'Spirit of Amsterdam' event: we playfully continue our journey in the form of a walk, in which we create moment to perform. New beings may join and/or observe. 

the observer becomes the performer. Within the human being, vegetal and geological parts may be liberated. Connecting intimately with the non-human environment, allowing borders of dualities to disappear. ​This performance is a journey, an immersive experience for both performers and audience, as an open exercise. The trail will be full of fantastic surprises. An invitation for everybody to join the engaging trip to perform, transform flow further and expand our identities. 

with Thiago Moura (Ator Nômade) and Annet Breure (Herbal Tales)

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About Thiago and Annet

Thiago seeks a more intimate connection with  imaginary beings through theatre. In it's essence, theatre is the art of transformation and travel. It's a nomadic practice. The past years, even more so during the pandemic years, he has broken through the conventions of theatre and as a child of his time has experimented widely with with the use of various media, seeking accessibility and connection. Thiago has over 20 years of experience as an actor, director and teacher. He is part of the Bastet Theatre Group and also works independently as a nomadic actor. He brings in a lot of experience in improvisation, physical theatre, mime and is a star in stimulating people to acts in many senses. He is originally from Bahía, Brazil. 

​Annet gathered and researched many traditional tales about plants over the last six years and is specifically interested in the fact that plants and stories travel and/or emerge around the world, not caring about manmade frontiers and imagined national identities. What are the conditions for herbal tales to flourish? 

Se loves to create space via cultural projects to deepen our relationship with the plants and our ancestry. She believes strongly in the power of the encounter with any other being that discovers new parts of ourselves as well and is immensely enriching.  Apart from working with Herbal Tales, she has been teaching a movement practice called Nia since 2013, which a.o. helps to connect with the elements, place and space and the flow of different energies in our bodies.

Annet and Thiago met in 2018 during a hitchhike in Goiás and since then have continued and intensified their contact and exchanges of experiences.​​​​​

Emerging Dramaturgies
Writing with the body, in connection with plant-bodies

This workshop took place August 10th and 11th, 10.00-15.00 in Amsterdam at Treehouse NDSM

Takaiúna shares the Emerging Dramaturgies method which she developed to create jointly with a community a script/dramaturgy from personal stories. This 8hour- workshop (divided in 2x 4 hrs) focuses on the inspiration we can get from the (mathematical) similarities between our bodies and plant-fractals. It consists of reflective and practical exercises. Participants will be led on a creative journey to explore the intersections between the human body and fractal patterns in nature. With macro and micro poetic movements, participants discover how fractal patterns can be recorded and expressed in the human body. From the language of movement we continue to form texts and write together.   


This workshop offers space for experiment, discovery and collaboration, promoting an interactive approach to physical and dramaturgical expression. Together we expand research of memory of plants and bodies in dialogue to provide new perspectives. 

> Short video on exhibit at Voice of Nature exhibition, Sept 12th to Oct. 6th (Thursday to Sunday 13:00-18:00) at Treehouse NDSM, Amsterdam

Now also available at YouTube


About Takaiúna

Takaiúna is an artist, writer, director and actress from Goiás, Brazil. She is a descendant of enslaved people and comes from a family of traditional ‘benzedeiras’, who work with healing herbs. This gives her a unique view on the relationship with nature and ancestry which she incorporates in her work.         

Takaiúna has been working in the artistic field for almost 25 years. In 2016 she founded the collective Justina of community- and ancestral art. She has been involved in projects throughout various Latin-American countries and also in Palestine, Guinee-Bissau and Italy. 


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