Herbal Tales

The plant is easier to see than the root....
Herbal Tales reconnects you with plants, their stories are part of our cultural and spiritual heritage. Bringing to life again history, symbolisms and the use of plants throughout the ages and across the world. Listen, smell and taste the stories. I -Annet Breure - tell stories both in educative and in artistic settings.
Herbal Tales storytelling, performances, walks, workshops and lectures. Herbal Tales awaken all senses. Experience folklore and contemporary interpretations on a variety of plants.
Herbal tales can be combined with a workshop for both adults and children who wish to get more in touch with nature and culture alike. For children I developed the performance 'The eye in the forest' and also tell stories in the 'Mini Art Masterclass' in collaboration with painter Julia dos Santos Baptista.
Fantasy and creativity of the children is nurtured by the stories that take them to the woods, the soil, the roots of our living experience on earth.
If you wish to book Herbal Tales for a private event, or collaborate with me, don't hesitate to contact me via plantenverhalen@gmail.com or (+31) 6-25508779
See the examples page to watch some video clips (in English): www.plantenverhalen.nl/voorbeelden
Note: All information about medicinal use of plants are told from a cultural or historical perspective and are not meant to give any indication for treatments. I am not a doctor nor a herbalist.
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Herbal Tales events in English:
November Workshops.
'Personal Mythologies and The Land'
Part of project Herbal Nômade Emerging.
At Ruigoord, Amsterdam.
Participation free, please subscribe per email pr whatsapp.
Latest podcast episodes:
7. Flax: learning from the wild ones. With PhD candidate Beatrice Landoni (Portsmouth University) on her research on plant adaptation in the wild flax species Linum Bienne.
6. On witch hazels, taxonomy and nature conservation with curator of the Delft Botanical Gardens, James Byng - You find it here.
See also 'Komende Evenementen' for more details regarding all upcoming events (both Dutch and English)
About Annet Breure

With passion, creativity, a clear mind and calm voice Annet offers wonderful stories and teachings.
Schooled as an Arabist and from young age interested in plants. As daughter from a biologist I quickly developed an eye for detail. In Herbal Tales I combine my background in culture studies and my passion for plants and stories. I feel my associative mind and academic background help connect and structure information and make it accessible to a broad audience. My knowledge of languages and cultures and experience as teacher (from 2013 on) make me sensitive to the audiences' needs and dynamics.
I did informal internships with Maria Luisa da Silva Oliveira in Goias, Brazil, Marie-Pierre Joncour from Aromatic in Lojou, Bretagne, France and followed a course of Kruidenrijk about the medicinal use of plants. Apart from that I dived into- and compared many written and oral sources . With Herbal Tales I bring to you my best selection and interpretation of them!
See also 'other work' for my projects that don't fit directly in the Herbal Tales format.
For more information on my background see LinkedIN


- Rooted in History
About Plants with a deeply rooted history in northwestern Europe. Amongst others about the symbolism and use of the oak, rowan and willow in Celtic and Roman culture.
- (Hi)stories of Women and Herbs
What plants play a part in the history of womenkind? What women play a part in the history of plants and botany. Where does a name like lady's mantle come from?
-Fables and Facts on Plants and Love
Discover the traditional uses of plants in love potions, the role of plants in love stories, the facts and fables about aphrodisiacs and what plants are said to be able to alleviate a broken heart...
- Known but unloved? Herbs in the hood
The most common plants we often know by name, like the dandelion, plantain and stinging netle. But do you know their various uses? After hearing folk stories about their origins you won't just walk by them anymore but will look at them from a new perspective.
- Herbal Tales with an Arabic Taste
As an academic schooled Arabist I love to combine my passio for the Arab culture with my herbal tales! Let me tell you about the symbolism, use and history of plants that play an important role in Arab culture. Of course you will taste as well, because hospitality and sweets are oh so important, marhaban bikum!
- Herbal Tales from Japan
Japanese culture is traditionally very much connected with nature. As in Shintoism the kami reside in trees and rocks, this belief nowadays still influences in some way symbolism and use of plants. Listen to beautiful plant stories and learn more about the Japanese context.
Other options upon request, please contact